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The Living Room Church is shaped by a relationship culture...with God and with people.

We approach Church life differently from what many are used to. We gather every fortnight in various homes for what we call HOME CHURCH. These relational groups gather to deepen their faith and friendships in ways a traditional church service cannot offer. Through our app, we spend time together watching a Featured Message and then unpack it together with real-life conversations and discussions. Time is also spent encouraging and praying for each other, worshipping God and doing life around a shared meal.

We also value the strength that comes from uniting together as a GATHERED CHURCH. We do this in Melton and Torquay on alternate fortnightly Sundays. This gives us an opportunity for our Home Churches to connect and come around the presence of God for a powerful time of worship and encouragement. 


The Living Room Church Vision
Taking the Church into homes every fortnight is an inspiring church experience for everyone no matter where you are or who you are with. It’s gathering together without the limitations that often come with "doing church" within a confined time-frame and building. The Living Room Church at Home experience is not limited by location, expensive buildings or days of the week. It is a place where you are known, valued and loved as we all journey together in the life of faith. We've seen amazing spiritual growth as people have discovered their voice, their gifts and their capacity to care for each other like a family. 

But Home Churches are only a part of our journey, we also embrace the beauty of the Gathered Church. We never want to ignore the power that also comes when the people of God gather together, united by a common love for God and value for His presence. That's why we didn't want to throw away the gathered Church experience, which many are more familiar with. When we meet together every fortnight at one of our rented locations, we have a great time reconnecting with the larger Church family and get encouraged by all that God is doing.

You are welcomed home at any of our Living Room Churches!


Mark Jurisic

Lead Pastor

“God is not after servants – He desires relationship. He wants a Living Room full of sons and daughters who know how to simply live in His presence.”

Leif Hetland "Called to Reign"

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Caroline Jurisic

Lead Pastor



Because of Jesus,

we BELONG.  It's not about following a list of religious rules or having to prove yourself worthy. It is about connecting to God and others in authentic relationships.



Our lives are built on all that Jesus has done. We BELIEVE that life can be abundant in joy, hope and power. We are ONE CHURCH in many homes and locations, united by our faith in Jesus Christ.


We are committed to experiencing the reality of what Jesus has made possible. What we believe transforms the way we BEHAVE  and how we live  can transform the  world around us. 


The normal Christian life is a supernatural life. We intentionally aim to equip and empower each person to BECOME a living expression of the Kingdom life that reflects who Jesus is.



You can watch our weekly Featured Message here, on our YouTube channel or in our free app.

Finding Home in the Father's Heart - PART 8: Healing Ungodly Beliefs

Finding Home in the Father's Heart - PART 8: Healing Ungodly Beliefs

What are your UGBs? An Un-Godly Belief (UGB) is something that can stand in the way of God’s Best and rob from you. What are they and how do we replace them with GBs (Godly Beliefs)? In this message, you will see how God can heal you from the UGBs that have been lying to you and bring you to His point of view. DISCUSSION and ACTIVATION: Ask God what UGBs you have believed about Him or who you are in Him that has hindered your relationship with Him. Write each UGB on a separate line. CONFESS “Lord, I confess my sin of believing the lie that _______ (be specific).” FORGIVE & REPENT “I choose to forgive _________ (people who contributed to your forming this ungodly belief) for __________________ (be specific – i.e. words you spoke over me, for letting me down, etc.). Lord, bring Your healing touch to the hurt in my heart that led to me believing this lie. I repent and ask You to forgive me for receiving this ungodly belief; for living my life based on it and for any way I have judged others because of it. I receive Your forgiveness.” RENOUNCE “I renounce and break my agreement with this ungodly belief and with all powers of darkness behind this belief. Thank You Father for healing my heart. I choose to accept, believe and receive the godly belief that _________________________________ . Journal any more insights the Father shows you. Now spend time resting in God’s presence and let Him speak to you about Godly Beliefs. Going forward as you start your day with God, declare your Godly Beliefs about God out loud. If you do that, you will discover that those old UGBs about God have been dug up, healed and completely removed. Now look at your UGBs that you have written down and replace them with the truth of the GBs that the Father reveals to you.

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Throughout each month The Living Room Church gathers together fortnightly in homes and a central location on the other Sunday. Below are the dates for this month's Gatherings. 


To find a Home Church near you, please get in touch with us so that we can connect you to a loving Home Church family.


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Find out more about our dedicated school of supernatural living. Launched in May 2024 in Torquay, VIC.

Registrations now open!


To find out more about The Living Room Church and how you can get involved, please click the button below, send us your details and we will be in touch with you. 

Thanks for your interest!

"Daily they met together in the temple courts and in one another’s homes to celebrate communion. They shared meals together with joyful hearts and tender humility."

ACTS 2:46 (TPT)

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