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Why Do We Give?Above all else, Jesus gives the most inspiring reason why we give...He gave Himself without holding back! We give joyfully and generously of our time, abilities and finances as an act of loving devotion to God and faithful commitment to His Church and purpose. 2 Corinthians 9:7-8 (NLT), "You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others."
How Do I Give to The Living Room Church?The best way you can give is by using our safe and secure giving platform TITHE.LY (the giving button is above). You will be led through a process of simple steps to set up your giving account and then it's all set to go! If you would prefer to give using a Direct Transfer from your Bank Account, you can do so by using the following details: Account Name: CityWest Church Inc. BSB: 083758 Acc. #: 917660182 Please note: "CityWest Church" is our registered ABN and Incorporated identity. Every gift amount is connected directly to The Living Room Church. If you would like to give in-person at The Living Room Church Office, please contact Caroline on 0411 692 283 to organise this. Thank you for your amazing generosity!
Can I Set Up Recurring Giving?Yes! When using you are able to simply tick the box that indicates "Recurring Giving" and it is set up according to your preferences. You are also able to set this up in your personal bank account should you choose to give via Direct Transfer.
How Is My Giving Used?When you give to The Living Room Church's general fund, tithe or offering ( app), your generous gift is used to finance the ongoing operations of the church. Such uses include lease expenses associated with our office and studio space, wages for staff, insurances, online resources, church ministries, care and support and general expenses related to our Church family. If you have any specific questions regarding this question, please do not hesitate contacting us.
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