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Image by Luis Morera


A big part of our online Church experience is gathering with family and friends to watch our weekly featured message. These relevant and empowering messages are provided to not only watch, but also engage and interact with the content. Each message aims to lead you into conversations and discussions with others. You will learn, discover and grow together as you dig deeper into what God is saying to you.


Every week we provide a new message for you and your Living Room Church to watch together and grow into all that God has for you.


ALMOST HOME - The Return of the King

ALMOST HOME - The Return of the King

Our world’s greatest, most amazing day is yet to come. At a time when all hope seems lost all will turn their faces to the sky and see Jesus descending to earth, followed by His raptured saints and angelic armies. What a day that will be...the return of our King! In this message, we bring this series to a close with the most action-packed and earth-shaking events of the End Times calendar. SUGGESTED DISCUSSION POINTS & QUESTIONS: 1. Read Revelation 22:7. What promise is given to those who obey the words of the prophecies? 2. What motivation should that provide for studying and teaching the End Times prophecies? 3. Share with your group how the messages in this series have changed your own attitude about biblical prophecies and the future. 4. Read Revelation 19:11-15. How will Jesus appear at His Second Coming? How does this encourage you? 5. Consider the roles of Jesus throughout Scripture – the Gospels, at the Rapture and at His Second Coming. What do these roles teach us about Jesus? 6. Read Revelation 20:1-10. Discuss the beauty and awe of life with Jesus during the Millenium. 7. Consider the Great White Throne Judgement. Who will be judged at that point and by whom? When and where will Christians be judged and what will they receive? How does this differ from how unbelievers will be judged? 8. How does the reality of the Great White Throne judgement inspire you to share the Gospel with unsaved family and friends? 9. Why is it important for the Christian to keep the end of the age and the appearing of the new heaven and new earth fresh in our minds? How has this helped persecuted Christians? 10. What happens when we don’t live with eternity on our minds? 11. Spend time praying for unsaved family and friends and for your community. We don’t want any of them left behind!
ALMOST HOME -  The World After the Rapture

ALMOST HOME - The World After the Rapture

The world after the Rapture will be unlike anything humanity has ever seen or experienced. The revealing of the Man of Evil (Anti-Christ) and the progression into the Tribulation will bring seven years of intense suffering, misery and trouble. In this message, we dig into this period of time and highlight the amazing grace of God who lovingly gives the world a final opportunity to hear the Gospel and turn to Jesus before it is too late. SUGGESTED DISCUSSION POINTS & QUESTIONS: 1. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3. What event is Paul writing about here? What follows this moment described “as a thief in the night”? 2. Read Matthew 24:21-22. How does Jesus describe the Tribulation? What does He say He will do for the sake of the elect? 3. If time allows, read the following Scriptures about the Tribulation and list the events that will take place: Revelation 6:2-17; Revelation 8:8-13; Revelation 9:1-20; Revelation 16:1-21. 4. How will God keep an invitation open for salvation for those living through the Tribulation? Discuss...How will He deal with Israel? Who will He send out as end times evangelists and who are the two witnesses and what’s their purpose? 5. How does knowing God’s heart to reach people with the Gospel during the Tribulation encourage you? 6. How are you praying for your family and friends now so that they won’t have to go through the hardship of the Tribulation? 7. How are you feeding your hope and resisting fear, worry and discouragement as you keep the end in sight?
ALMOST HOME - Rapture: the Great Disappearance

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