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Saved, healed and delivered - everything that Jesus gives! Many times we only attribute salvation to our eternal destiny, but the power of what Jesus accomplished through His sacrifice of love empowers us for a life of lasting freedom and hope. We are excited to provide this valuable resource to you as we partner with Bethel Church's Sozo Ministry and also Sozo Australia, through which we are a licenced provider.

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Bethel Sozo is a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry in which the main aim is to get to the root of those things hindering your personal connection with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Once your connection with Father, Son and Holy Spirit has been healed you can walk in the destiny to which you have been called.

  • Sozo is an inner healing/deliverance ministry

  • Sozo is simple, fast, Spirit-led and effective

  • Sozo finds issues in minutes instead of years

  • Sozo helps heal your relationship with God to enable you to fulfill your destiny




  • Love people

  • Facilitate the healing of past wounds to break strongholds

  • Replace lies with truth

  • Close “doors” that are open to the enemy

  • Connect people to the Godhead in a more intimate way


The process of Sozo is caring, compassionate, gentle and honouring.


Sozo is not a counseling session but a time of interacting with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. A Sozo session is conducted by two team members (and occasionally a third team member trainee). The Sozo team will sit down with you and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, walk you through various healing “tools” on the road to freedom and wholeness.




1. APPOINTMENTS for personal ministry can be made by clicking the "Book My Session" button below.​​

2. SCHEDULING BY E-MAIL: Once your registration is received, a Sozo Team Member will contact you to schedule a Sozo appointment.


3. DOWNLOAD: Please be sure to download and read the Sozo Information Sheet and bring the completed Liability Release Form with you to the appointment. These can be found on the "Book Your Sozo Session" page on this website. 


4. SUGGESTED DONATION: For the value of the time spent ministering to you, there is a suggested donation of $50 per session, but please, if you are unable to give this amount we will not withhold your healing for the sake of a donation. Please get in touch with us to discuss this.  You may submit your donation online by Direct Transfer into the following account:

Name: CityWest Church Inc

BSB: 083758 

Account Number: 897069204

Please indicate that transfer as "SOZO". Thank you for investing in this ministry.


Note: We are unable to provide refunds for donations made to the Sozo ministry.

If donating by cash simply bring it with you to your session.​



We are registered with Bethel Sozo Australia.

For more info visit










FOR BOOKINGS (Western Suburbs, Surf Coast, Geelong or Zoom Video):

To book in your own SOZO session, please click on the button below and fill out the form and we will be in touch. Thank you!

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